This city, job and space-time location as a whole are driving me insane. Thus I am retiring to do very little and enjoy the ocean in Halifax for the next week or so.
If I can get near a computer that will accept my memory card reader I will do my best to post something within that time frame. Otherwise you can all be confident that I am dead, and start mourning.
If you are in Halifax and want to hang out e-mail me ( jer at simianuprising dot com )with whatever information you want to give me. I won’t be doing much so my schedule is pretty open.
You should all do something fun while I’m gone. Seriously, go to the pool.
p.s. My brother, Brian, made it through the operation and is A O K. He is still pretty messed up, but I hear from reliable sources that The Morphine is helping keep that fire under control. You know it.
Cool pic!