Was this when I left you at the Electric Tractor? I was worried about you when I left you; you kept trying to high-five me (and just about anyone else within high-fiving distance of you) and you kept missing. By a lot.
I ended up doubling with Nick for a bike ride home and my posterior is still in agony.
oh man, do i EVER not remember trying to high five you.
note: NOT a ukulele.
Was this when I left you at the Electric Tractor? I was worried about you when I left you; you kept trying to high-five me (and just about anyone else within high-fiving distance of you) and you kept missing. By a lot.
I ended up doubling with Nick for a bike ride home and my posterior is still in agony.
oh man, do i EVER not remember trying to high five you.
oh man.