maybe… it worked?

After a grand total of over an hour and a half on hold with my host it seems that the server has been changed and nothing blew up.

Good news.

Welcome to Simian Uprising v.5.0, now wholly powered by the open source blogging tool WordPress. A few things will be different in terms of how the site works, but just showing up and reading it shouln’t change significantly.

Happy new year everybody, may your stylesheets be deviant but standard, and may your databases be fast and full.

[backpost] thoughts on self-image

Found on an older blog and posted here for historical purposes.

Looking at pictures of yourself is such a strange thing to do. i mean, who the fuck is that person? is that me? does my nose really stick out that much? are all those curves actually part of my face?

usually i try to stay behind the camera, but i know i’ll regret if later if i have no images of myself so i let people steal the fire when they ask. but it really does kind of phase me to look at the results. i find it hard to believe that my girlfriend can have sex with me without laughing for example. also, i tend to feel fat, which i don’t believe i am, or at least not really…

it’s a usefull philosophical tool though, like we tend to just look through the window of our vision out at world that we process instantly. the things we can do without having a single thought are amazing. but when you look at a picture of yourself you’re confronted with the fact that you’re really out there. not just your eyeballs and brain, but all of you. When you see a picture of yourself, especially one that really doesn’t represent your “residual-self-image” you’re confronted with that part of you that you really can’t control, maybe it’s the auto-pilot that gets caught in the photo (which would repudiate the traditional cultures that claim that photo’s steal your soul, maybe they just steal everything else?), and, being forced to look at it is what makes viewing the photo uncomfortable. i dont’ think we like to be reminded of our mortality-limitations-just humanness, at least not in such a dynamic visual way (it’s easier to brush of the existential unease of a question like “why are we here” than it is to look at yourself making a face in normal conversation that you would grimace at if anyone you were talking to made it).

maybe it’s just me that thinks that though, maybe everyone else just looks at photos and says “yup, i’m ugly” or “yup that’s just me”. i’ve always had a weird relationship with my body, and rarely do i look in a mirror without having to re-confront the stranger i see there.

[backpost] thoughts on media concentrations

Found on an older blog and posted here for historical purposes.

it wasn’t a matter of motivation this time. usually there was a feeling of boredom, lazyness and apathy, like actually caring about this silly thing just wasn’t worth the effort.

but this was different, there was motivation, just not to do this. an urge to write in a journal, to build a journal, to find readers for a journal. to take, look at and publish pictures, to copy the amazing world outside (and inside) the home and give it a chance to be as beautiful-monstrous-ironic and amazing as it truly was. there was even a skewed kind of motivation to work on the sound project, but less.

all this, but it still seemed that the comic must be drawn, that it was the important thing, that people like the comic, people respond to the comic, the comic is popular. the fact that the comic must be maintained untill the t-shirts could be sold ALONE should have been motivation to complete the panels, but the apathy remained. the feeling that very little was left to be said with this format, that its subjectivity had been stolen by overuse, corrupted by the redundancy of time, and had effectively become passive.

the ideas no longer stimulating, it seemed like a waste.

but they still loved it, and asked for more.

and there are comics to be finished.

[backpost] they looked up

Found on an older blog and posted here for historical purposes.

they looked up together. the sky seemed bigger now somehow, especially the clouds. especially compared to the hill under them.
he had his arm around her and she felt good against him, but he was looking too far up, and starting to lose his balance.
the sky was full of clouds, the fluffy kind, not the whispy dream ones. the kind of cloud that looks like whatever you want it to. the kind of cloud that you could dance on if you could only jump high enough.
there was one especially, a dark brooding one, that he couldn’t help looking at. it reminded him of a person, it was a grumpy cloud.

eventually it got cold and they walked home, his goose was all aflesh and so was her’s. he offered her his coat but it was thin, and didn’t really protect anything from the world.

when they got home he tried to write her a poem. he wanted to tell her how beautiful it had been on the hill. he wanted to tell her about what it was like to feel her prickled flesh in his hand. he wanted to tell her that she was more beautiful than he ever could have imagined anything to be.
but his poem was all about the cloud. the big one. the grumpy one.

Design Portfolio

This is ancient, probably last updated around 2010. Please do not consider this emblematic of my work. Thank you for humoring me if you actually go through this list. At this point it is mostly just a memory-lane for me to walk down when I’m feeling nostalgic.
-Jer, 2019

Good web design is a thing to be enjoyed, accessed and used. Bad web design is a crime unto humanity. I like to think that I do my part. Though many of these sites are not (I am self-learning), I try to keep all of my work standards compliant and as accessible and usable as possible (see, World Wide Web Consortium for more details). I believe in use over dazzle and beautiful simplicity over artistic fog.

Anyone motivated to pay me for design services should feel free to contact me as soon as possible, I am flexible concerning fees and excited to be involved in a variety of projects.

(most of these are screenshots)

GlobalVoices (with Boris Anthony)

Voices without Votes - America votes, the world speaksVoices without Votes

projects and oddities

Website for Alternative Freedom, a documentary about copyright Website for a documentary film about copyright law.
Rebuild of the class website for 'information design'398t: Information Design, a rebuild of our atrocious class website (link) using web standards, usability and consistency as guides. (Manually coded)
Link to the cpsa websiteConcordia Philosophy Students Association Website
link to zombierotica.tkZombierotica: The Sensuality of Undeath.

ungrateful biped/simian uprising

Ungrateful Biped v1.0Ungrateful Biped v1.0
simian uprising v2.0Simian Uprising v2.0
simian uprising v4.0Simian Uprising v4.0 (Built on Movable Type)

sites for friends

a blog for louisa while she was on vacationPrincess Camp and Poison Frogs – Louisa (Movable Type)
a blog for my borther brianBrianC: a space for my younger brother. (Blogger)

[Note: All of these are loosely protected by a Creative Commons License, so you are technically allowed to borrow and reuse any aspect you wish. However, grabbing a template that I or one of my friends is currently using is just rude. Please keep the internet fresh and make your own, it’s easy. ]

contact information


jer [at] >> My currrent and likely future email adress. The most consistent way to reach me.

simianuprising [at] >> the account gets forwarded to Gmail because Google is the best thing that ever happened to the internet. Any mail from me will list this as the sender but the jer[at] for mailto. This is complicated.


I have a cellphone and skype. If you feel you should have either number feel free to email me.