Young man moves through cyberspace with mind, takes over planet.

electricbrain - link to articleWild ARTICLE about a 25 year old quadriplegic who had 100 electrodes implanted in his brain, and can consequently control computers and television with the force of his mind. He can check emails and change channels, and, the researchers say, even do more than one thing at the same time (i.e. move head and change channel).

I wrote about another article a while ago describing a similar but less invasive (also less effective) technique with the same goal, jacking those unable to interact with the real world into the digital one, and giving them the same power there that we have here. Everyone should be excited about this. The company responsible for the “cyberkinetic” technology used in this new experiment has started implementation of four new subjects.

These guys are going to rule the world. Just you watch.

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