To be clear about Linux

opensourcemacJust want to make sure that it’s clear, I <3 Linux (/selfslap, GNU/Linux). And also, Linux outmatches any flavor of Windoze you care to throw at it. It just happens that the driver support for Apple hardware (i.e. running Linux on Mac computers) is pretty flaky and requires hoop jumping to get things to work properly (as well as leaving things like extra monitors basically not supported).

If I had a non-mac computer I would run Linux as my main OS, (with Window$ as backup if something went wrong) and if Linux was smoother on my MacBook I would run it as my main OS (with Mac OSX as my backup). But as it stands, I’d rather have OSX as my backup than Winblowz, and I’d rather use OSX as my main OS than risk having to use Windows ever again. So you see, I love linux, but hate Windows more, and thus continue to use Mac OSX for most things.

I do however use almost exclusively Free/Open Source applications on my computer no matter what operating system I use. So just to balance my last post, here’s two sites everyone who doesn’t run Gnu/Linux should check out.

OpenSourceMac – Tons of great apps to do useful as well as fun things for free and freely using a Mac.

OpenSourceWindows – Same thing except if you’re a n00b.

I personally have found tons of great stuff on the Mac one, as well as tons of great stuff I was already using being listed there. Some of my favorites:

  • Smultron => Code-enhanced text editor with tabs and stuff
  • Adium => Undeniably the best chat client in the world, does MSN, AIM, YIM, everything, lots of plugins
  • Firefox => Duh
  • VLC => best video player around
  • Transmission => Smooth easy BitTorrent client.

I guess I’ll stop there, you get the point world.

P.S. Ubuntu just released a new version, what better time to try it out?

Rooting for the Underdog

Linux Mac Ad spoof I still don’t use Linux on a day to day basis (I have Ubuntu installed on my MacBook but only use it for a few weird tasks like checking projects on Internet Explorer), but I love to root for it nonetheless. Novell, who release the SUSE linux distribution, made some joke ads that play on the “I’m a Mac” ads that are slowly getting annoying, and they’re pretty good. A bit light on the actual content but that’s mostly just the medium I guess. Some day Apple will screw up or Linux will be truly ready and I’ll switch over. Until then I’ll just watch funny YouTube ads for it and think “Hell yeah, the mac ad with the bimbo was so sexist, props to Novell for making their ad a bit more balanced”.

First (best) one (others are in the YouTube sidebar, you know how it works).

Also of note in the “spoofing the damn Mac ads” arena is this set , which feature a “I’m a Mac” character who is basically just a dumbass and a “I’m a PC” who trades John Hodgeman’s tweediness for just more pompousness. They try to argue against most of the real points made in the original ads but usually fail to point out anything relevant to the actual topics they argue (as well as having factual omissions, like implying that Macs don’t have pre-installed firewalls).

Happy Good Friday Everyone – or – Jesus was from a Village, right?

Jesus was from a village right

Not mine unfortunately, origin unknown. Makes my video muscle itch:

[Cut from cricifiction scene of a Jesus movie]
Jesus: WHYYYYY!?!? (i.e. “why hast thou forsaken me”)
[Cut from a Village People video]
VillagePeople: M – C – A !
[replay Jesus “why” but as a repeating loop]
Jesus: Wh-Wh-Wh-Wh-Wh-Wh-Wh-
[Back to Village People Video]
–Super-slowmotion video of cowboy dancing, lasts 2-3 minutes–

Thanks to Shawna for the photo tip.



Original AP image found here, Co-produced with Bopuc (his version @his flickr), share and enjoy.

p.s. I can’t live without ICANHASCHEESEBURGER and neither can you

The Awesome Awkwardness of Social Networks

my facebook feed showing marriage messges for two different people that are incorrectly timed

Moment of Facebook zen when two different couples I know have their relationships awkwardly upgraded because of the way the system works. At the top my brother Chris, who’s been married since the summer, is listed as having just married his wife Mary because she just joined Facebook and couldn’t be listed as his partner before, with facebook making a huge deal about it. Below is the aftermath of a similar message, where my friend Mike thanks everyone for their congradulations but reminds them that the news of his engagement is two years old. What a delightful bug that lets you relive the celebratory moments of your life again upon joining. (Now all I need to do is make a version which, upon joining, forces you to list all the old relationships you’ve had and reminds everyone how you broke up with those people.. Oh wait, that’s just what friending your Ex’s is like)

So it turns out I look just like one of the guys from ABBA

i look like the guy from abba... hmmm
At least as he looks in this picture (cropped version to the right). It’s weird to find celebrities to whom you actually do have an uncanny resemblance, especially when it’s almost always Kevin Bacon (seriously, even some guy in Japan who didn’t speak english said I looked like Kevin Bacon).

bme guy who looks like meThough I guess it’s just as weird to find normal people that look just like you, like this guy I found on BMEZine while looking for someone with a certain kind of piercing I wanted to get. Not only does he look exactly like me, but he has the piercing I wanted and got on his lips (though he has two and I only want/ed one) and stretched ears similar to mine. Crazy.

For those who don’t know me face to face or forget what I look like, see this.

Abba similarity found by Ed, who also looks like that guy but only cause Ed looks like me. Note that he actually noticed it on this joke about jABBA the Hut, which happened to have the original ABBA shot mixed in.

P.S. For those of you who have been complaining that this site isn’t safe for work lately because of the last post, do NOT go see my Flickr Page. I updated it with some new Japan photos that make the statue look tame.