Things to do while you’re too busy for this junk.

Capture from the sundance film festival shorts.

So the sundance film festival, notorious for bringing great films to everyone’s attention (fuck the Oscars), has decided that people seeing movies is better than not, and as such has decided to post all of the short films (“shorts”) from the festival on their website as they are simultaneously screened in front of the festival’s audiences. Some of them are really amazing (check out Everything’s Gone Green, pictured above, especially) and all of them are free (with a quick and painless registration.)
Link to Sundance’s (unfortunatlely) flash-based website. (You’ll have to navigate around a little to get at the content, it’s nice once you’re there though. Really.)

One Reply to “Things to do while you’re too busy for this junk.”

  1. yea I’ve heard the shorts program is really good. some of the movies I’ve seen so far have blown my mind. So fucking good. I havnt had a chance to see any shorts though. Check out “Husk”, a friend of mine here did it.

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