Ze Frank has been making awesome and simple little internetmovies for a while now. Gems like Red Alert and Request always made me wish he would update his stuff more often (they were released pretty sporadically) so I wouldn’t forget to check. Luckily, this problem was solved while I was away from the internet (I’m back now, goodbye WoW). Ze is now producing a 3 minute show (called “The Show”) every weekday where he talks about politics, design and his social movement The League of Awesomeness (with it’s devotees, the Sports Racers). It’s fast as hell and immediately funny, sort of like The Daily Show but it only lasts three minutes and you don’t have to steal it off the internet to avoid that big blinking box in the living room .
The first episode can be found here while the newest episode can always be found here. I’m still working on my powermove.