
b57-ea07b - photo by jeremy clarke

For christmas last year Mira was nice enough to adopt a chimp for me, sponsoring the Fauna Sanctuary in Chambly Quebec, where a ton of chimps, other primates and various other animals are taken care of after their utility in science or as pets ends. We went to visit the sanctuary and were lucky enough to meet some of the rescued monkeys up close. The tests that were performed on the animals leave them pretty shaken up pretty much all the time, I feel like this image captures that a bit. I also put up a video of the same monkey on YouTube.

One Reply to “B57-EA07”

  1. These things are so sad, animal testing is horrible and it makes me cry. I’m sorry it still happens and nothing I’ve done in my life has stopped it. she needs to go back into the wild, nobody likes life in a cage, (just ask the statler brothers). good for you guys. please keep helping.

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