On internal subphonics, and feminist pornography

It’s weird to think how much we take the way we feel when we do things for granted. How we create a kind of emotional soundtrack to accompany all of our routines and actions and activities, a kind of energy that surrounds that thing.

Sometimes it’s music, which, for a lot of us, never leaves our sonic environment, but it doesn’t have to be. It’s something like a particular pacing to our thoughts, a groove we slide into when we start something. It’s what gets disturbed when you’re working and makes you have to stop, or falters at an awkward moment in a conversation and makes you actually think about what you’re saying instead of just saying it. It has to do with how you can read a thousand pages without blinking but can be disturbed beyond relief by someone on a cellphone.

Most interestingly, it can be completely re-evaluated and re-considered in relation to the activity it accompanies, by just changing the actual music you listen to when you do it, letting you feel the activity itself again from a fresh perspective, without the comfortable noise inside your head urging you to relax.

There’s just something about playing Tori Amos over porn that really changes the ways you can watch it.

Implications of Nothingness

“In the beginning and in the end was Nothingness. Nothingness implied the possibility of Somethingness. It is impossible to make something from nothing. Therefore Nothingness could only imply Somethingness. That implication is the universe.
We are wisps of that implication”

-Kurt Vonnegut, Wampeters, Foma and Granfaloons.

On the counter-municipalitory habitus of superheroics.

So this guy, sick and tired of what he perceives to be outrageous parking laws in the London (England, not Ontario) area, notably the liberal use of tire-clamps, decides to do more than just whine about it. He finds the biggest fucking cutter he can find (an angle-grinder apparently, I am not a tool person), dons a ridiculous costume, and hits the streets.

From the website, it seems that he actually tours the city (different neighborhoods depending on what night of the week it is) freeing cars that are being held hostage by the cops, in his ridiculous costume.

This is what the future will look like. I truly hope this is what the future will look like. How can the public prosecute such a loveable character?

I can’t help wondering if I should sew myself a costume and fight injustice on the local level. But somehow, “GUY WHO WAITS OUTSIDE THE METRO AND TELLS PEOPLE WHEN THE SUBWAY-PIGS ARE GIVING TICKETS” just doesn’t have the same ring as “AngleGrinderMan”.

I guess I’ll just keep taking pictures of them. They really hate that.

On the reconsideration of ideology, and the free spirits of a modern age.

heh.caOne of the projects I was seriously considering before I lost all will to draw was a journal comic supposedly created by a neo-nazi. I was drawn to the idea of representing him as a normal, intelligent person; having humorous encounters with his co-workers and friends, running out of toothpaste etc. But showing parallel to this that he hated all those who were different from him. I wanted to test myself, see if I could give his xenophobia the same kind sincere and earnest voice that I gave to my own aesthetic and philosophical beliefs in my comic, to try to get under the skin of something that seems so fucked up to me and the majority of those around me, and try to be convincing. I was going to try to get “him” into the journal comic circuit, in the jam etc, and see if I fooled anyone.

I didn’t do it (and now probably won’t), but am still very interested in the concept. A few months ago I spent a few days listening to an internet radio program by a genuinely fucked up person called Hal Turner (you can listen there with winamp or iTunes), who encouraged the white masses to stop being lazy and show their support for their race, and was, apparrently, “the only one willing to go out and say the “V” word”, which means that he was the only public figure willing to advocate racial cleansing through direct Violence. Listening to this man’s hate rambling on hour after hour was insane, entertaining and surreal, his logic was so flawed it was hardly more than smoke, yet he and his base of yahoo fans were so convinced of themselves.

All this to say, without any insult to the proceeding topic of discussion, that sometimes we encounter things and people that force us to seriously and consciously reconsider our positions on questions who’s answers have always seemed so natural, so obvious to us, that we scarcely consider them problems at all. We are given no choice but to re-evaluate our presumptions, logic and ideology, and sometimes we are also given some very good arguments against what we thought.

Recently I met an individual who identifies themselves as a pedophile, and who, in contrast with stereotypes, is politically active on the subject. The site contains no pornography less appropriate than greek sculpture, but holds ideas, arguments and an intelligence that is both unnerving and fascinating. It is no neo-nazi hate sheet lacking in rationality, nor is it a swooning or vacuous appeal to freedom or ideals totally foreign to all but a vast minority. It is reasonable and careful.

If you have some time read a bit, I still don’t know what I think about it or the subjects it tackles. But I’m pretty sure that I’m not longer certain of anything.

my last post about comment spamming.

Somehow, “indian sex, indian porno movies, indian sex stories, desipapa sex.” seems like it would be a very niche market (scroll down to the bottom to see the TWO usefull and enlightening posts on the subject).

I really don’t see any serious benefits to be drawn from this ridiculous activity, especially since movable type (the software i use for all the wonderfulness) does not allow the comments to be spidered by the search engines.

At least the one about penis-enlargement was kind of funny, this one is just stupid. (I mean, “dogs oral job, horses blowjob.”?)

Please, The Internet, you are making a fool of yourself.

On universal aphorisms for the embittered hipster.

1. Formula

If it weren’t for the damn {people involved}, {scene} would rock!

2. Consider,

Punks — punk
rappers — hip hop
Emokids — Emo

internet geeks — the internet
obnoxious intellectuals — university
retarded business majors — university
politicians — politics

humans — mankind.

apologies for the lack of posts, i’ve been working on a film far too wretched (due to assignmental restrictions, of course) to put on the beacon of quality that is the internet, and working on other various school related things (for example a film which will hopefully be interwebworthy).

one thing is this, which is the result of a “build a character through a blog” assignment which really didn’t go as far as i’d hoped it would.

similarly, i built this for a friend of mine who’s old diaryland.com blog was challenging human rights laws for decency.