because I am a whore for the kittens

squid the kitten from
Kittenwar presents you with two kitten photos and asks which is cuter. BoingBoing likened it to a HotOrNot(note: I am NOT) for cats. It is addictive, stupid and everything the internet was ever meant to be.

Mira points out the losingest kittens section of the site, which I originally failed to notice.

Meet: Vincent Van Orthvincent van orth, cat from

11 Replies to “because I am a whore for the kittens”

  1. man some of those ‘losingest’ kittens are freaks. but i love how the kittenwar site insists they’re all winners really. it’s cute.

  2. that first cat is all like “What the fuck, you want to step up mother fucker, or what!”

    in other words, he’s on Meth.

  3. that photo…. I couldn’t think of one good line, so I settled for as many as I could think of..

    was that the Hyden Christianson circa “life as a house” look.. or just when you were really into Good Charlotte.. btw, did you’re mom get angry when she noticed her makeup missing… I think its cool that you decided not to kill everybody at your high school… did you get a lot of costumers while working as an under age gay escort.

  4. actually, it was 98% louisa’s idea/doing. she actually brought me to value village and bought a whole new outfit for the night that we took those photos (there’s a whole set! i’ll sell them on ebay some day when i’m super famous on the internet). the makeup was her’s, i only saw life as a house this summer and good charlotte still does and always will suck.

    also, every costumer I met while turning tricks just wanted to dress me up like clowns and astronauts, but I wanted to be a cowboy, fuckers.

  5. well i still think jer looks hot in that picture.

    but then i also want to see life as a house JUST because of hayden christensen + eyeliner, so maybe i’m biased…

  6. did you notice how all of the losingest kittens have extended names, often attempting nobility, like our friend vincent, bella sofia maria or mama cornish rex? maybe the length is supposed to distract us from the ugly.

  7. Kittenwar link is not working; little pop-up window says “htt is not a recognized protocol” or something.

    Also, i personally found Vincent Van Orth quite charming.

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