It’s 2am and I haven’t done anything else all day…
Pretty much finished this site for the Philosophy Students Association at Concordia, the Vice-President-Communication of which I became even though I didn’t even attend the election.
The cool part? It validates as strict XHTML. That means I am officially a huge geek.
The Alpha-Geek in fact.
teeny tiny show
not a dentist fan.
photograph your authorities
Hello, my name is 772,
vapour as decoration
don’t wake it -or- we’re all doomed
digital creator as analog canvas -and- torsal enhancement.
Certain incindiary remarks inscribed on the belly of a certain promiscuous puckerer mysteriously led to my participation in the temporary pigmental re-affirmation shown here. As Jeff Goldblum implied, beige is boring.
(art and photo by the intangible Sarah Tracy)