i’m not sure exactly
two years
On the googledex of ware-hockers and insufficient spungial mass.
Now it’s one thing to read about comment spamming in Wired News, but it’s another thing entirely to actually have someone comment, twice, about their boyfriend’s successful penis-enlargement experience on a post I wrote two months ago quoting something beautiful Augustine said about knowledge.
I mean, seriously, “The confidence…, the courage!” !? What the hell does that mean? The idea here is that the presence of the links on popular (ha ha) pages improves their Google rating, but this person actually seems to expect clickthroughs because of the great writing.
The internet is a very strange place my friends. And my penis is not nearly large enough for it.
work is hell
visceral surroundings
you will all be destroyed
beware of roaming block level elements!
i’m trying to tweak the design (to make it pure css etc.) so there may be wonkyness ahead. please ignore it if you can.
if not you can go back to russia.
[edit: DAMN YOU MOZILLA! Why do you scorn me so? I loved you, I gave you a wordy plug and everything!]
something beautiful
Despite its 85% porn saturation and aiding and abetting of hate-mongers all over the world, the internet is sometimes known for getting something right. (article from Wired news)
As just about everyone knows by now, same-sex couples have been streaming into San Francisco by the hundreds from all across the United States to get married.
thanks to the Internet, there’s also been beauty, in the form of hundreds of bouquets of flowers that have been delivered to couples waiting in line for their marriage licenses. These flowers have been ordered and paid for by total strangers, people from all over the world wanting to share in the good feeling happening in San Francisco and wanting to show that they believe marriage is a civil right that should be available to any two people, not just to a man and a woman.
you can read the article here.
Also, for those visually inclined, a guy called Derek Powazek took some lively pictures of the event that you can check out here.
I think that the city of San Francisco has done a great thing with this, and the amazing generosity of flower givers proves that it is a great day for both freedom of life advocates, and internet-idealists. Thank you The Internet.