on the failings of anti-perversionistic manipulations.

Remember the fifties? When the homosexuals were out to steal all of our bright young lads? Archive.org does, and you can watch the video. This is an amazing little thing worth watching if only to see this guy say “Sadism, Masochism and HOMOSEXUALITY!” Rarely is porno argued against so elequently as in this case.

cut off your handIn other news, the tradition lives on with modern day christians showing a bit more initiative by converting a seemingly disturbing piece of scripture (“if your eye (hand) causes you to SIN, cut it off and cast it away, for it is better to lose a part of your body than to be cast into Hell” -Matthew 5:29-30) into a clever little joke about modern day netporn. This one is actually pretty funny until you realize that they are actually recommending that we smash our computers rather than risk the temptation of the pr0n.

(both of these were ferociously lifted from BoingBoing.net)

it has come to my attention

tux of linux, stuffed with herringthat i have been mistreating this space. Amazingly, this is due not to an exccess of business but rather to a lack of homeness, or at-homeness.

To get the ball rolling again I will share some of the wisdom I have gained in my brief time off:

1. Despite the rumors circulating on the internet, LINUX is not yet “easy to install and run” nor is it “user-friendly”. It is at best “geek polite” and more likely “noobie scornful”.
(of course, it remains nonetheless the most ethical choice, as it is free both as in “beer” and as in “speech”, unlike certain other operating systems)

2. If you do decide to install linux (kudos to you) do not be picky about which distribution you take. Just buck up and get the easy one.

3. It seems to me that political correctness has robbed our culture of the wonderful spice that is the differences between us. Therefore, I hereby declare that we should, as much as possible, refer to those around us according to their geographic ancestry. Ex. “Hey look, it’s Punjabi-Bill!” or “How ya’ doin’, The Englishman?”

4. What ever happened to The Information Superhighway? I remember in grade 7 it was going to be the biggest thing around and then it totally dissapeared.
(“hey, did you see that flash game where you get to play as George W. Bush killing people on The Information Superhighway?”
The Information Superhighway, next exit: porn!”)

On the moralizing of the masses through manipulative means and the innapropriate use of alliteration.

manny perrySo I imagine that most of us already know who Manny Perry is and what he does. Similarly, I would imagine that most internet minded folk have either booed at his empassioning dialog or at least wanted to. But is that the right answer? Are Manny Perry the stuntman and his cohorts just mild annoyances we have to deal with before the movie starts? Should we have to listen to these moralizing speeches before we can get at the content we’ve paid (at least) 10$ to see?

Lately I have gotten a constant feeling of being told what is right andd wrong to do by the media around me. We are at a point where technology and society have put us in a position that allows exceedingly simple circumvention of the laws that have traditionally held both together, and, not surprisingly, the media itself has risen up to tell us to stop. In the name of values and creativity we are being told that we are criminals, that what we are doing is wrong (in fact that what we are doing must be wrong, because that’s not how it is supposed to be done) and that we are killing The Movies (The TV, The Music).

But should these organizations have any right to tell us what is right and wrong? The film and music industries have thrived since their inceptions on the manipulation and commodification of the talent they represent. They consistently abuse and take advantage of the artists of our society, the art they create, and the end user of the content. The lobby groups that represent them (RIAA, MPAA etc.) have shown again and again that progress and true creative growth mean nothing to them (trying to stop the likes of FM radio, cable television and VCR technology as illegal and in violation of copyright), and that their only true interest is in maintaining their comfortable and lucrative market share.

Progressive attempts like Apple’s iTunes music store are a step in the right direction towards solving the problem that currently makes felons of over 40 million Americans (don’t know the stats for Canada), but isn’t nearly enough. 99¢ for one song is far more than it’s worth, no matter what a thirty second spot brought to me by some recording industry association tells me, especially when the prices are actually going up to as much as 17$US for one corporate album, more than it would cost in the store!

The fact is that the monolithic interests at play in the battle for copyright freedom have little interest at all in creating feasible and user-centric options as alternatives to their old ways, nor should they, really, seeing as they can have laws passed that make criminals of everyone with an ounce of sense instead.

These are “Lumbering Giants,”(1) overweighed by their own systems of promotion and distribution and unable to move into the future for fear of toppling themselves and our entire culture with them.

For proof of this, consider the motivation RespectCopyrights.org (the public moralizing arm of the Motion Picture Association of America) gives for why “stealing” films from the internet in fact hurts you as a consumer:

Only 4 out of 10 films turn a profit. If people take the films for free and the Studios can’t recoup their investment, they may not be able to make the big summer movies we all enjoy so much; the TITANICs, the SPIDER-MANs, the JURASSIC PARKs. So, not only will the creators lose, in the end, you, the consumer, will end up with fewer choices at the multiplex.

Do you really want fewer movies to choose from?

The implication that the current state cinema in North America involves any kind of choice is itself almost patently absurd, while the statement that Titanic and Spider-Man represent this choice is downright insulting to the public. Hollywood is presenting us with shiny, bloated and wasteful trash, reeking of zealous budgets and omnipresent marketing, and asking us why, OH SWEET JESUS WHY, are we not willing to shill out twelve dollars to see it?

The recording industry plays a similar game, but somehow manages to be even more ridiculous either in their profit margin or in their “artistic investment”, as the multi-million dollar production schemes for audio talent fall short of even the semi-conscious spending of the film giants.

I think what I’m trying to get at here, more than anything, is that these organizations, which are above all else for profit, are dictating to us values masquerading as morals. They are telling us that “Movies are Worth It,” meaning that the current system of cinematic production and it’s output justify the costs to the viewer, and so we should not steal from it. But this is not morality nor is it ethics, it is the value judgement and opinion of the organization, and it is a biased opinion if there ever was one. We are asked to support a system built on waste and greed, and are led to sympathy by the use of the lowliest, and most mistreated, of it’s representatives.

I think that without meaning to, Manny Perry, in his appeal for what is “right”, struck on the essential concept at play here: (describing his job as a stuntman and an automotive stunt called–)

pipe ramps or cannons there virtually is a bomb inside of the car, at one given point, they push a button and this bomb goes off and this car is catapulted into the air. 15, 20 feet, at 60 miles an hour, you’re going for quite a ride.

A hundred years ago film was invented and almost no one had access. Fifty years ago only those with enough money could be involved in any meaningful way. Today the virtual bomb in the car has gone off, and anyone involved in creation is in for quite a ride.

I , for one, will be very upset if the car is the same when it finally comes down.

little pieces of history.

There is a site where you can go and proofread ebooks destined for Project Gutenberg, where they make available free electronic versions of books that have passed into the public domain (are more than a hundred years old). This is a very good thing.

See, these old books aren’t popular with most people, but they are there, and with a little effort they could always be there, for anyone who could ever need them, ever. Such a database/library can only make us as a culture richer, as well as each individual richer in their options of free material. The problem is that when the books are scanned in they are just photos of pages, which transmit and store poorly, so text-recognition software is used. But the software makes mistakes, sometimes a lot of them.

Thus someone has to go through all the machine-generated text and make sure it’s kosher, that’s where you and Distributed Proofreaders come in. They offer a simple web interface where you can donate a few minutes of your time, one page at a time.

Consider it, Project Gutenberg could be the next library of Alexandria, and you were just going to waste your time anyway.

On the future of creation, the theft of a culture, a man with a plan, and an overrated mouse.

lessig.jpgLawrence Lessig has just released a new book, Free Culture onto the world. He has also given it away.
(here for text only)

Part of the reason for this, I’m sure, is that books that are given away on the internet seem to sell more copies. More importantly, though, is that this is a book about copyright and the public domain. About a culture that is being deprived of it’s essence and history by corporations that refuse to give to the public what has become a part of it’s consciousness, and about the ideas that just might help us keep the peace among the technologies that surround us.

So somehow keeping it to himself might have seemed a bit greedy.

It is written in a way that is both readable, and incredibly relevant. He frames the ideas he discusses within the history of various media, using stories about our cultural past to explain our present and future. It has been released under a Creative Commons license, something wonderful that he helped pioneer and which I have recently applied (see at left) to all of my own content.

Obviously, this isn’t a book for everyone. But if you are creating in our current culture, than it is relevant to you, as it is to anyone consuming or thinking in it.

We are at a point now where the realm of copyright seems to expand into infinity, trailing just ahead of a certain anthropomorphic rodent. We are losing culture, fast. The least we can do is to understand how it is happening.

(also, there is a flash-lecture of the same name that briefly covers the relevant material. Definitely worth your minutes.)

A Critique of Pure T-Shirts.

You know you want it. You know you always wanted it. Now you can have it.

immanuelle kant, the t-shirt

He’s always been your favorite rationalist, now he can be your favorite tshirt too! Mekka (fellow journalcomicker and philosophy student) is now taking pre-orders on these little gems. Tell him I sent you and I get a discount on the up and coming Marx and Kafka shirts.

It’s win win.

you must fail – new film


Don’t you want to see it? click here to watch or right-click and select “save as” to save it to your computer

It is about 20, 000, 000 bytes big and is a .mov, so you will need QuickTime to watch it.

I wrote the script and was probably the main character and all the voices. Probably.

We made this entirely in the space of 12 hours.
We were not allowed sound and we were not allowed editing outside the camera. If you make moving pictures than you know that doing everything as you go inside the camera is just about the worst idea ever.

So far it has had a good reception, but so far the only audience has been our fellow classmates who lived through the same predicament (TRUE STORY!) encountered in the film, so the true critics are yet to speak.

Here you go, The Internet. Be nice, I am not a real actor, I just play one in short films.

notes to selfs.

1. “Slick as a German minute” will come into common parlance.

2. The individual who makes decisions for a given household will no longer be referred to as such, but rather as “the decisor”

3. The activity known as “Cybering” or “Cyber Sex” or “Sex on MSN” should only be called “Textual Relations” (this has probably been said elsewhere before)

4. “Sand is overrated, it’s just tiny rocks” – Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless mind.

5. Chef Boyardee, being good neither in a state of coldness nor hotness, can be eaten at the temperature desired by by the eater, and should not be confined to any absolute standards of preparation.

cold ravioli with knife, photo

this is a magazine

thisisamagazine.jpg this was brought to my attention by someone from the internet. (click on an issue to bring up a flash thing).
it’s a kind of conceptual art flash thing, not for everyone, but a gem of the internet nonetheless.