It’s great to see the Archaic Totalitarian Religious Institutions appealing to the Archaic Totalitarian Political Institutions for help when they can see that they’re losing, though it’s hard to not feel a bit insulted when they go over the heads of the voting public in lame, insulting attempts to eschew democracy in favor of stagnant social policy. Link to story.
It appears that as zero-hour for the passing of the Same-Sex Marriage bill (bill c-38) approaches, a group of zany christians have decided to appeal directly to the source of ultimate power in Canada, the queen . David Mainse, a former christian television host, has used his traditional definition of marriage” website to start a letter writing campaign to Buckingham Palace in the hopes that Her Majesty will force Canada’s Governor General (Adrian Clarkson) to deny Royal Assent for the bill. From the letter:
Our beloved Queen Elizabeth II, I know that the refusal of the Governor General to give royal consent would precipitate a crisis. Millions have nowhere else to turn but you, …
Should you act in this, millions of us would surely become more fervent supporters of the monarchy than ever.
This course of action is not only desperate and mockingly ridiculous (I don’t see how it can even be anything but an insult to legitimate anti-fagmarriage movements) but manages to nonetheless be completely demeaning to both democracy in Canada and whatever vestigial monarchy may be present. “We’d all be your friends if you support our hate” just doesn’t ring true somehow.
Whether you agree with gay marriage or not, this is just tacky and insane. Mr. Mainse should go back on TV where that kind of bullshit belongs.