Five years later 9/11 makes a lot less sense to me than it did at the time. When it happened there were immediate visceral answers to explain the events.
- Why did it happen? There are people who hate America.
Easy, of course people hate the U.S., I hate the U.S. and I’m practically one of them. Imagining that people from a country consistently abused and expoited by them (uh… I mean more than in Canada) would want to hurt them isnt’ that hard.
- Who did it? Doeh Osama Bin Laden and Al Quaeda
He admitted to it in a video or something right?
- The buildings fell down? That’s crazy, are you serious? Yeah, they were designed to fall like that rather than topple, so they don’t hurt anyone else
Oh, I guess that makes sense, if they were designed to fall and fell then everything is okay.
- What about the Pentagon? Don’t ask about that, it’s secret cause we can’t let them know how bad they got us.
Okay, I’m not really interested anyway. I’m gonna watch the clip of the plane hitting the tower a hundred times in a row instead.
Today none of these answers seem to stand up to serious scrutiny, and looking around makes it seem less and less likely that all or any of the official story actually represents what happened. Most of what we got from the government and CNN seems to reflect convenient answers rather than accurate ones. Specifically, I can’t help feeling like they were designed to satisfy any curiosity and distract away from the gaping holes in the official explanations.
The gaping holes, of course, being things like where the non-WTC planes went, as they weren’t at the claimed crash sites. Vaporized?, that seems implausible, and what about the collapse of the WTC buildings, why was the basement so hot the steel structure was molten metal? Wasn’t most of the fuel from the planes burned off in the firebomb seen in the picture above? And how did the fire get to the basement anyway, thats crazy. Not to mention the massive sketchyness of the various warnings to people in the WTC and outrageous stock market activity before it even happened.
The implications of believing that the U.S. government, whether directly or though intermediaries, organized the attacks are so difficult to entertain that I almost want to just ignore the evidence, discount it as misrepresentations by paranoid maniacs along with films by Michael Moore. But that just doesn’t feel right, there are too many holes and not enough transparency on the part of the U.S. in dealing with the accusations, they seem to just hope the “nuts” will go away when they see no one believes them. I don’t think this is going to dissapear though, nor do I think that all the 911 Truth Movement participants are nuts, they just believe something so radical that most people are unwilling or unable to consider it as a possibility.
I’m not done learning about this and haven’t come to any final conclusions, but I think that as 9/11 was a defining moment of our generation and millenial culture, knowing what really happened is of vital importance to any political decisions we as humans and as Canadians make regarding anyone in the U.S. administration who may have been involved in such an obvious atrocity (not to mention the subsequent attrocities for which 9/11 was used as justification).
If you want a better source than me, the best place to start is Loose Change, a free, compelling, interesting and mind-blowing documentary of the evidence behind the movement and interpretation of how it is interelated. Movies don’t prove things, but this one makes it hard to deny that there is something, if not everything, that those responsible are not telling us about September 11th, 2001. It can be hard to stay clearheaded with a subject as authority-shattering as this one, but the information in this film is more than worth the adverse effects. The best review I’ve heard so far was from a friend over IM, who, while watching it, could only say “Holy fuck! … how could we be so blind???”