Exam highlights

Readers may have noticed that there has been little written here lately, this is because dozens of pages of papers and exams have been written instead.
Because I am just that kind of lame, I’ve posted my Media Theory final under the fold of this post (click “continue reading…” to see it). It’s not particularly entertaining but seemed to keep me interested, so if you’re feeling bored this holiday season it might be worth your time. Here’s my favorite paragraph, from the end of the Baudrillard question (Baudrillard believes that we inhabit a world composed entirely of the simulation of culture, with no real substance underneath):

Despite this massive and all consuming disconnection from reality, others and the media that define them, Baudrillard maintains that the members of the society of simulation are not in fact alienated. Instead, as previously stated, they embrace this isolation from reality as a means of escaping the responsibility of existence. Baudrillard says that the deepest desire is perhaps to give the responsibility for one’s desire to someone else, a feat accomplished by the simulated individual in their dependence on the media and reality-schema which define the simulated world (Baudrillard 125). This radical denial of reality, the strategy of resistance of the masses, is accomplished by sending back to the system its own logic. . .reflecting, like a mirror, meaning without absorbing it (Baudrillard 108). The masses thus exert, through the media, their true power, that of irony and antagonism.

Continue reading “Exam highlights”

Christmas Carols are for jerks : Music 2.0

xmas carols 2.0 flow chart
Just in time for the holiday season, the mathematically insane creators of Eigenradio (a computer program that listens to dozens of radio stations and plays back only the most entropic/mathematically interesting parts) have released an album of condensed and optimized X-mas music for your listening mild-discomfort.

Really though, it’s sonically intense and actually pretty festive (in a Tim Burton kind of way). Math is the new instrument folks. this noise is its new music.

LINK to A Singular Christmas album.

(image hacked from eigenradio site, linked by BB a while ago)

Found above a urinal – or – heroic imagery sells games.

heroicmessagessmall.jpg (click on image to see larger/clearer view)

I guess it’s kind of interesting that the whole gaming/internet obsession axis has developed to the point where it’s reasonable to mix its imagery (the mouse) with that of heroin (arm strap), but it seems a bit too edgy for its own good.

Its obviously got shock value, which is what they were going for, but I’m not really convinced that it totally sells the product (a subscription service where you can download/rent a selection of “150” commercial game titles for the likes of 15$/month). I mean, what are the games? Looking at the admittedly well-crafted photo (the design of the rest of the poster is a bit mundane, with the depanneur/convenience store logo for “Couche Tard” being the best branded element) all I think about is the social connotations of computers, though I suppose I’m not the target audience anyway.

Of course, I’d take it over some of the other urinal-riders any day, if only because it actually gets my brain going.
(note: I think urinal ads are great, if there’s one place in the world where I want to pay for my presence with my eyeballs its when I’m standing around bored and emptying my bladder. Is there a similar feeling from the ladies with stall-ads, or is it just that I’m looking for an excuse to stare forward?)

“while Hall pulls down her skirt, and walks away.”

of tears and semen Beautiful and sad set of journalistic photos about a group of performers in the pornography industry. It won first prize for documentary in the College Photographer of the year contest, whatever that is. Definitely worth a thoughtful glance (the captions are especially significant.)

[note: there IS NUDITY but there IS NOT PORNOGRAPHY, unless the two are the same to you.]

poverty.jpgNote also: The second place winner, who’s look at poverty in american life is both unnerving and confusing (again, the terrain of destitution is rich with icons of the cult of America.) Though poingant and timely, I can’t help wondering about the ethical implications of this piece (which includes various acts of violence.) Was the photographer exaggerating, or did he actually watch a grown man pull a young girl around their front porch by her hair? Is a powerful window into the reality of a situation worth accepting its realization in front of your eyes without interveening?

(via. Xeni)

Sartre: “You are what you are not.”

I swear to god, there is an Alternate-Universe, right-wing American Jeremy, and we are totally blogging each other.

[note: All Bush-voters will get their million dollars when they justify why they voted for a mildly-retarded sociopath, rather than just insulting the opposition]

Just when I was thinking that it wasn’t so bad after all…

americaaccepts.jpgThe Majority reminds me that they still exist, there are still more of them than there are other people, and that they still embody everything that is bad about the world and this species of ours.

Seriously, the reaction of Bush voters to the previously blogged Sorryeverybody.com is not only immature, rude and unimaginative, it’s downright insulting. It’s a rare occasion that one can be exposed to so much hate, ignorance, racism, sexism, homophobia and reality distortion as in the images that these people chose to post, not to mention the downright terrifying accountenance some of them chose to portray (see right -> )

So many of them really don’t even seem to know what their hate is about. You voted for Bush because he fought the terrorists? Do you actually think Gore would have just ignored them and built more internet or something? And why does every second image have some reference to the “liberal elite”? What the fuck is the Liberal Elite? Last time I checked it was the neo-conservative elite that was getting all the tax cuts…

[note: they’re offering t-shirts for sale! I know you’ve always wanted to be both sexist and homophobic at the same time, HERE’S YOUR CHANCE!]

Other half of America to world: “Holy shit, we’re sorry”

The sane half of the united states has stood up and cleared their throat with thousands of homebrew photos, the message “We swear, we thought democracy would work. We were sure of it.”

It helps to remember that really, 51% isn’t much of a majority, even if it is enough to keep a Stupid Jerk on the throne for another four years…

And besides, Nixon was booted out of the white house in his second term right?


(via. Sarah Tracy)